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Nov 2, 2011

hyperactiveness will kill you

Hey.. It's been so long. so here I go all  in one
There's this guy at college, let's give him a name: Chipper, because he can't stop chipping.
He is so... how to say? let's just describe the situation. He always talk, find an uninteresting topic to talk, even when we answer him with unwillingness - insert here, showing out most unpleasing expression - he still talks!
He keeps saying things nonsensical. Most of the people definitely show him an unpleasant aura but I don't know that he's pretending to not knowing, or denying ppl's attitude towards him, or even worse, he's a moron.
But I choose the latest, not because he's not knowing how ppl treat him, but because he fend out his unhappiness in FACEBOOK, telling ppl not to treat him like a kid, do not judge him, shut the fuck up - and this is where I laugh. Boy, if you're going to scold ppl, don't be a pussy as to censoring the word with * -, and whatsoever. HEY YOU CHIPPER! get a life! if you don't want ppl to treat you as a kid, don't be so childish. If you don't want ppl to judge you, don't be such a busybody. If you want ppl to shut the fucking mouth, SHUT YOURS FIRST!

Bloody hell. He can't even see his own bad. If there are only a few flocks of ppl doing those to you, well, they might be bullies. BUT if there's a massiveness of ppl thinking the same about you, you should start looking yourself in the mirror. You don't want ppl to judge you? So why don't you think about why so many ppl do that?
So just shut the fuck up and go pitying yourself till you rot if you still can't find the mistakes in yourself.